Production notes - 8/31/05
What is the Script?
"A blue print of the story that will be told after the final edit of the film."
Treatment: "Bare bones of the story written as narrative prose rather than in descriptions of individual scenes."
Steps in the Writing Process:
1. Concept Development
2. Character Development
3. Outline or Timeline
4. Treatment
5. Script
Concept Development:
-Social Message?
Character Development:
1. Name
2. Psychology / Sociology / Physiology
3. Miscellaneous - Casting / Free association in character to come up with background
Psychology: character's history & resulting behavior
Sociology: social relationships (ex. family, work, friends) and how they affect protagonist's self perception - **Needs stakes, something to lose
Physiology: important physical features that impact the story (only necessary features should be given)
3) Outline or Timeline
4) Treatment - "bare bones of the story written as narrative prose rather than descriptions of individual scenes"
-mininal dialogue - important parts, necessary elements
-written in present tense, with active verbs
*No feelings, thoughts, emotions in screenplay or treatment
5) Script
A. SCENE HEADINGS - 1.5" from the left edge of the page
INT/EXT - NAME (location)/ TIME
B. Action Line - 1.5", Normal type - describes scene, what people are doing (Names in ALL CAPS)
C. CHARACTER NAME - 3.7" left margin/ 2.2" right, ALL CAPS
D. Dialogue - 2.5" left margin/ 1" right
E. Parentheticals (Actor's directions)- 3.1" left margin / 1" right
- to clear up confusion / avoid too much description, adverbs
Script Format
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